Moldavite- The Stone of Transformation
Ruptured air bubble indentation in moldavite specimen (via Oceanstone Collections).
Southern Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic
‘Tekite’ derived from the Greek word "‘tektos’, meaning molten.
Welcome to the world of moldavite- the infamous tektite that has taken the world by storm and created massive ripples in the metaphysical and mineral markets, as it fulfills its mission of connecting humanity with its divine origins while capturing the imagination of millions. A uniquely green gem of both cosmic and terrestrial origins, it has become a legendary icon that naturally comes with its share of counterfeits and those who would attempt to take advantage of its power and status. We are here to educate and objectively inform the curious collector or spiritualist while preserving the purity of the stone and its ability to serve as a tool for the transformation of the individual and, consequently, the world.
Formation, Geology and Physical Properties
Moldavite is a true impactite tektite, a family of mineraloids formed by the combined cosmic and earth energies and elements from a major meteor impact. These cataclysmic, tektite-forming events, occurring only once every several million years, produce temperatures in the range of 1,600°C, immediately vaporizing and combining minerals in the bedrock and meteor, resulting in the condensation of molten elemental and meteor plasma, which may become vertically airborne up to 200km. This spewing of molten plasma rapidly cools in the upper atmosphere and results in the non-crystalline, vitreous formation of the solidifying plasma into aerodynamic molten shapes with aerial flow texture and banding. This plasma falls back down to earth while still semi-molten, trapping thermospheric air bubbles in its structure as it hardens and cools further.
Simple infographic demonstrating the cataclysmic formation of moldavite (via
In the case of moldavite, a binary meteor (two independent, gravitationally and rotationally locked meteors) struck present-day south Germany 14.7 million years ago, directly along intersecting electromagnetic leylines, calibrated to earth’s electromagnetic grid. Carrying 6,000,000,000,000 (trillion) megatons of energy (more than the combined energy of every atomic bomb on earth today or roughly 1.8 million Hiroshima bombs), the dual impacts created the Reis and Steinhem craters and produced massive strewn fields with a radius of up to 450km from the impact site. Strewn fields and classic moldavite locales include the Moldau River Valley of Moravia and South Bohemia (Maly Chlum, Besednice, Nesmen, Cheb, Nechov, Jankox, Brusna, and Muong-Nong localities), which span a combined area of around 6,000 square kilometers. Generally, localities can be identified by the shape, color and texture of the stone, as well as the permeability and depth of the specific layer it was deposited in. For example, highly acidic groundwater in Besednice has resulted in etched ‘hedgehog’ shaped moldavites from heavy and non-uniform surface erosion of the stones. They can appear high-gloss (from sandy and gravel sediments) to varnish-like or matte (clay sediments) in appearance.
A sample of high-quality moldavites showcasing a variety of surface and flow textures and shapes (via Oceanstone Collections).
Tektites like moldavite are considered a mineraloid because they do not have true atomic symmetry as a result of their violent and quick formation and usually contain a somewhat heterogenous elemental composition- unlike crystals, which form very slowly under relatively stable conditions. Predominantly SiO2 by composition, however, they are relatively rich in K2O and can be characterized by low average contents of Al2O3, TiO2, FeO and Na2O, with traces of Ca and Mg. The green color is derived from the trace amounts of aluminum and potassium, and the deeper, more vibrant green can be attributed to slightly higher concentrations of aluminum and a cleaner formation. Colors vary from rare poison/emerald and light green to forest, olive, pale, dark, or brownish green. The color of moldavite is so different from the other common brown/black tektites of the world because of its relatively low concentration of iron oxide and high concentration of silica and potassium oxide. Moh’s hardness ranges 6.4-6.7, making it perfectly suitable for cutting and faceting. Its average density is 2.342g/cm^3 and its refractive index is around 1.492. Identifying physical characteristics of moldavite include non-uniform flow and surface texture, internal gas bubbles, strings of lechatelierite (high-heat quartz strings), and inclusions. Shapes are generally in the splash pattern of molten liquid and can include drops (super rare), discs, ellipsoids, spheres, dumbbells, or fractured/fragmented versions of any of these (which represents 99% of moldavite). The majority of moldavite is in the 3-4g range, and anything over 10g is considered very large and exceedingly rare, especially 20g+ specimens. The highest quality specimens will have saturated, ‘poison’ green coloration, be perfectly intact without chips, and have aesthetic shape and texture.
Images of typical bubbles and inclusions of lechatelierite in natural moldavite; image width 5 mm. Photomicrograph by Jaroslav Hyršl.
Moldavite is found primarily in surface sediments and farmer’s fields, especially after heavy rains or around springtime, or by digging deep sand pits, which yield highly sculptured and well-preserved pieces. For surface and field collecting, an experienced collector may collect up to 50 pieces in one day, but it is estimated that only 1 in 50 of these is of unchipped, gem quality. For sand pit collecting, and depending on the productivity of the area, yield can range from one to three pieces per 30 cubic feet of sediment. An early experiment conducted by Konta and Saul (1976), along with a group from Charles University in Prague, determined that the productive and gravel-rich sedimentary profile of Locenice, about one mile from Nesmen, produced 43 moldavites weighing a total of 118g as a result of twelve people digging for eight days. This was a result of carefully digging and sifting through roughly 840 cubic feet of sediment, and derives to one moldavite found per person per two days of digging. Recently, sand-pit collecting has been supposedly banned by the Czech government after the cave-in death of a woman during an unauthorized dig. Additionally, commercial mines have all been shut down, leaving collecting only available to risk-taking artisanal miners since 2020.
Mythology and History
Moldavite is revered as one of the highest vibrational crystals on planet earth, known as the Holy Grail crystal (moldavite was thought to be present in the original Holy Grail) and even called by some the original Emerald Tablet. There have been reports by professor and researcher Vladimir Bouska of moldavite amulets and carved sharp-edged tools found so far back as the Paleolithic Era at the burial site of the sacred Venus of Willendorf fertility goddess statuette in southern Austria. It has also been found in Moravian strata associated with Late Neolithic cultures, specifically a disk-shaped moldavite that was found at the Skripinske-Hradisko locality in an archeological dig producing Jevisovice pottery. Clearly, ancient Czechoslovakian cultures valued the stone as both a tool and sacred amulet associated with fertility and the divine. In the 1700s, Czechoslovakian lore suggests that moldavite was adorned on men’s pendants and walking sticks, and in the Radomilice area, young men presented moldavite to their fiancees as a symbol of good luck and harmony. As its popularity rose in the 19th century, Czech gem dealers began producing polished counterfeits using green bottle glass, much as we see today. In the last sixty years, moldavite has become world recognized, so much so that on the tenth anniversary of her coronation in 1963, the Swiss government presented to Queen Elizabeth II a beautiful raw moldavite crown set in platinum and adorned with diamonds and black pearls.
Metaphysical Uses
Today, moldavite has become popular among mystics and healers, and its popularity boomed in 2020 from booming social media trends and perceived scarcity in the market. Even before social media, mystics have been sharing their similar experiences with moldavite- many widely report a ‘moldavite flush’- feelings of tingling, dizziness, electricity, lightness, sweating and huge emotional releases- when in contact with the stone itself. This is the result of the high frequency of the stone calibrating the energetic field of the person holding it, as it goes to the source of imbalance or toxicity and restructures it. If you think of cells as cosmos within themselves, then the moldavite may interact on a cellular level as it recalibrates the microcosm of the cell with the macrocosm of the universe. At first, and for those with imbalances or disease, this may be physically uncomfortable or powerful. The sensation of heat is usually first felt in the hand, as the vibration of the moldavite calibrates and infiltrates that of the bearer, and then floods to the rest of the body, resulting in the typical flush. At first, it may be highly exhilarating, energetic and overwhelming if held for too long, but as the body acclimates and restructures to the higher frequency of moldavite, it will experience fewer physical symptoms as the individual’s energetic state becomes unblocked and uplifted. Experiments run by Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner, authors of the seminal book Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation (1988), found that of the 210 participants, most reported, “intensification of dream life and acceleration of life processes…, change in consciousness, and radical career change” (page 2).
As a result, moldavite may create massive alignment and shift in one's life, as chakras- specifically crown and heart- are unblocked and things not in alignment with one's highest self may be removed, sometimes violently. More than anything, moldavite broadcasts Source vibration, allows for the grounding of Divine Light into the physical realm, and interacts directly and boldly with electromagnetic fields around it, restructuring them at the source to be more aligned with its powerful cosmic frequency. It is a bridge to allow us to access directly Source vibration. Whether you believe in this sort of thing or not is irrelevant- its creation was not a coincidence and its cataclysmic resonance has rightfully garnered attention and anecdote from around the world as it fiercely reminds humanity of our own divinity.
According to Simmons and Warner, “This stone is a tool for those of us willing to take responsibility not only for our own healing and spiritual evolution, but also for that of the planet” (page 8). They go on to warn that, “Those who are not ready or not willing to assume a great amount of responsibility and be primarily focused on a spiritual path will either not be attracted to the moldavite or not be able to keep it. I know that moldavite cannot be misused. It responds to willful negativity either by becoming dormant or by disappearing. With the more unconscious negativity, it activates a kind of instant Karma that brings a quick and amplified backlash to those who would use it for selfish reasons.” At the core, moldavite is a tool to help raise the planet into a higher, cosmic frequency, and those attracted to it have a higher spiritual calling, but it is just that- a tool. The day will come when external tools are not necessary, as the greatest tool of all is the human spirit focused on conscious evolution.
“We humans are, after all, star seeded ones, one of the latest products of the metabolism of the galaxy. Moldavite reminds us of this fact. On our spaceship earth, we too fall through the heavens; we too can come as benediction rather than curse to our solar and galactic fraternity as well as to each other.” -Jean Houston, PhD, Director, The Foundation for Mind Research
If you are called to moldavite and have already surrendered to serving the planet, there are a few ways it may be used to guide your spiritual journey and evolution. It may be worn or carried, with its proximity to the local chakra point that you wish to most strongly influence- typically the third eye or crown. Sleeping with a moldavite in proximity, or even taped to the third eye, may result in strongly enhanced and vivid dream states. Structured water charged with moldavite may have a similar effect. Some have reported increases in psychic abilities, contact with extra-terrestrials (especially when meditating with moldavite around earth vortexes like Sedona, AZ or Mt. Shasta, CA), and enhanced contact with spirit guides. The use of moldavite with clear quartz crystals, especially the energy-amplifying Herkimer diamond, in meditation or grids, produces more clarified and amplified effects. Some have even reported using moldavite to ease pain and cure common diseases, in conjunction with Reiki or conscious meditation. Holding moldavite while visualizing oneself breathing in light while breathing out pain is a common place to start.
Moldavite Market
As of now, moldavite is essentially mined out, the Czech government has halted every commercial operation, and it is difficult to find high-quality, authentic material. Almost all the moldavite on today’s market is old-stock and released from private collections, with a small amount of fresh material trickling in from hobbyist miners and small suppliers in the Czech Republic. An estimated 99% of all moldavite created has either been destroyed, eroded, or is inaccessible, leaving an estimated 400,000 whole, undamaged pieces of moldavite in circulation. In both the cosmic universe and planet earth, moldavite is far rarer than diamond, sapphire or emerald, and it is a privilege to own one.
Moldavite used to be only a semi-precious commodity, with a wholesale value ranging from $2-5/g a mere thirty years ago. Even in 2015, high-quality moldavites could be acquired readily for $10/g. It was not until 2020, when mines shut down, prevailing winter conditions prevented further mining as the newfound gem garnered mass attention and demand on social media, and perceived scarcity pushed the value up to $20/g. Now, it is hard to find quality moldavite under $30/g retail, or $12/g wholesale, and many retail storefronts push the sacred gem for upward of $100-150/g.
With the amount of money once again flooding the moldavite market, naturally there are those wishing to capitalize on the movement. Do be careful of mass amounts of fakes coming out of China, India, and Thailand, usually cast from melted beer bottles. Etsy is rife with these exact operations. Do not purchase moldavite online, unless it is absolutely from a trusted dealer who can answer questions about its origin and is willing to send high-quality videos or backlit pictures for you to observe the stone in question. If the price is too good to be true, it is. Many uneducated dealers will unknowingly buy fake moldavites and then sell them as real, perpetuating the scam. Do not trust certificates of authenticity, which can be easily faked to provide a false sense of security for unsuspecting buyers. No two moldavites will look the same, and the energetic and tactile sensation is unique and undeniable, which is why seeing the moldavite in person or through high-quality video is crucial. Here at Oceanstone, we source our moldavite directly from suppliers that have been in the business for decades and are more than happy to share information, photos, or videos of each piece per request.